Suite No. 411, Eisa Building, Rolla Square, Sharjah

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), commonly known as prostate gland enlargement, may strike men as they age. This enlargement may affect bladder, urinary tract, or kidney function as well as cause painful urine symptoms. Many people search for less severe, natural options, even if traditional therapies often call for drugs or surgery. Focusing on customised treatment regimens that address the fundamental causes and symptoms experienced by every patient, homoeopathy offers a unique, all-encompassing strategy to control BPH problems.

Know about BPH and Approach to a Health 

BPH has a lot of symptoms, like frequent urination, difficulty starting urination, weak stream, and the inability to empty the bladder. Since homoeopathy is established on the concept of treating "like with like," it can support these symptoms by boosting the body's natural mending methods.

Using Homeopathy to Treat BPH

At Al Balsam Homeopathic therapy for BPH calls for thorough awareness of the patient's symptoms, way of life, and general state of health. Treating the symptoms is simply one goal; another is correcting the fundamental medical imbalances. Our homeopaths take into account elements thought to affect the health of the prostate, including mental stress, eating patterns, and other health problems.

Customized Treatment Plans

•  Sabal Serrulata: This plant is often used because it helps reduce prostate swelling and bladder problems.

•  Conium: This is suggested for older men whose glands aren't working as well and who have trouble urinating.

•  Chimaphila Umbellata: This plant is helpful when you need to go to the toilet often but are having trouble.

The Security and Importance of Homoeopathic Treatments

One of the best things about homoeopathy is that it is generally safe. Most remedies are made from natural ingredients and are given in very small amounts to lower the risk of side effects. This part of homoeopathy is especially appealing to older people and people who want treatments that don't involve surgery.

Holistic Treatment That Goes Beyond Medicines

Homoeopathy addresses more than just the BPH physical symptoms. Crucially for holistic health, it also emphasises patients' psychological and emotional well-being. Through the homoeopathic method, which offers a complete treatment plan, stress and anxiety, which can increase BPH symptoms, are also controlled.

Why Choose Homoeopathic Treatments for BPH?

Choosing homoeopathic treatments for BPH offers major benefits. The main advantage is the highly customised approach made possible by the modification of medicines depending on particular symptoms and general health. Aiming not just to improve general well-being but also to treat physical and emotional health, homoeopathy is holistic. Furthermore, the treatments are natural and rather reduced; therefore, their negative effects are related to little importance. For individuals looking for a safer, more comprehensive way to handle the symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, homoeopathy appeals.


Homoeopathic treatments for BPH are a soft but successful choice to standard medical care. Al Balsam is an expert in this natural method because we offer personalised care that takes into account the whole person. Our homoeopathy treats the reasons and symptoms of BPH so that patients can live better lives without the side effects that come with standard medicine. We are a source of mending and hope for people who are interested in homoeopathic remedies.Healing Naturally and boost immune system.