
Cholelithiasis or gallstones are hardened deposits or collections of bile material that develop in your gallbladder.
As much as 75% of gallstones are made up of excess
- Obesity
- Diabetes
About 25% of gallstones are made up of excess bilirubin
- Gallbladder stasis
The most typical symptom is a type of abdominal pain. It occurs in
episodes that last for one to several hours, usually after a large or rich
meal. Pain most often occurs in the upper right side of your abdomen,
under your ribcage, where your gallbladder is located. The pain can also
radiate somewhere else, most often to your right arm or shoulder blade. Biliary
colic is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
If you have occasional episodes
of biliary colic, it means that a gallstone is causing a partial blockage.
Since there’s no way to access the gallstones
inside your gallbladder without removing them, the standard treatment for
problematic gallstones is to remove the gallbladder entirely.
There are some medications that can help to dissolve smaller
gallstones. These take many months to work. But they offer an alternative for
people who may not be in a safe health condition for surgery. They may also be
practical for people who have gallstones but don’t have symptoms yet.
- Limit fried and fast foods.
- Replace red meat with fish.
- Eat high-fiber, fruits, vegetables, and whole
- Lose weight gradually.