
Chronic constipation is infrequent
bowel movements or difficult passage of stools that persist for several weeks
or longer. Constipation is generally described as having fewer than three bowel
movements a week.
- Passing fewer than three stools a
- Having lumpy or hard stools
- Straining to have bowel movements
- Feeling as though there's a
blockage in your rectum that prevents bowel movements
- Feeling as though you can't
completely empty the stool from your rectum
- Needing help to empty your rectum,
such as using your hands to press on your abdomen and using a finger to remove
stool from your rectum
There are many causes of
constipation, including lifestyle factors, medications, and medical conditions.
- Not eating enough fiber
- Not drinking enough water
- Not getting enough exercise.
- Changes in your regular routine,
such as traveling or eating, or going to bed at different times.
- Consuming large amounts of milk or
- Stress
- Resisting the urge to have a bowel
- Age. People older than 65
- Constipation during pregnancy
- Haemorrhoids
- Anal fissures
- Diverticulitis
- Faecal impaction
Some recommendations for immediate
constipation relief at home include:
- Drink two to four extra glasses of water a day.
- Avoid juice and high-sweetened beverages.
- Avoid processed meats, fried foods
- Add fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, and other high-fiber foods to your daily diet.
- Eat fewer high-fat foods, like
meat, eggs, and cheese.
- Eat high-fiber fruits
- Single-out foods that constipate
- Exercise.
- Check how you sit on the toilet.
Raising your feet, leaning back or squatting may make pooping easier.
- Avoid holding the urge to use the bathroom.
Treatment for chronic constipation
depends in part on the underlying cause. A cause is never found in most of the
cases. Homeopathy treats symptoms and when the symptoms are better constipation
is gone. You don’t get a dependency on medication is the best part of