
Adenoids have an important job for
babies and young children. They help fight off germs until your child’s body
develops another way to combat infections.
- Adenoids grow to their maximum size
between ages 3 and 5.
- Adenoids start to shrink by age 7 or 8.
- By adulthood, they’re completely gone.
- Adenoids help fight off bacteria and
viruses. White blood cells make this possible. They travel through
your adenoids, targeting and trapping germs.
- Adenoids also produce antibodies
- Adenoids sit above your soft palate,
directly behind your nasal passage.
- Adenoids look like a pink patch of soft
tissue. Some people describe the tissue mass as “cauliflower-like.”
- The average size of a normal
(non-enlarged) adenoid is 6.2 millimeters. The average size of an enlarged
adenoid is 11.6 millimeters. (Adenoids can become enlarged due to infection,
- Adenoids are made of lymphoid tissue —
the same type of tissue that your lymph nodes are made of. Lymphoid tissue
consists of connective tissue and white blood cells, especially lymphocytes.
- Frequent ear infections.
- Upper respiratory infections.
- Recurring (returning) nosebleeds.
- Allergies
- Sore throat.
- Nasal congestion.
- A feeling of fullness in their ears.
- Mouth breathing.
- Trouble sleeping.
- Snoring.
- Obstructive sleep apnea.
- Imaging tests. X-rays, CT scans or MRI.
- Sleep studies. .
- Nasal endoscopy.
- Bacteria culture test.