Otitis Media

An ear infection, also called acute otitis media, is a sudden infection
in your middle ear.
Ear infections (from viruses and bacteria) also cause middle ear fluid. In this case, the middle ear fluid is
infected and often causes discomfort in addition to muffled hearing
Middle ear infections are the most common childhood illness other
than colds. Ear infections occur most often in children between 6 months and 2
years. They’re common until age 8.
- Ear pain.
- Loss of appetite.
- Trouble sleeping.
- Trouble hearing in the
ear that’s blocked.
- A feeling of fullness or pressure in ear.
- Yellow, brown or white drainage from ear.
- Infants and children
- Rub or tug on their ears.
- Cry more than usual or act fussy.
- Have a fever ranging
from 100.5 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit
- Start mouth breathing or
have increased snoring.
- Refuse to eat during feedings
Bacteria and viruses cause ear infections. Often, ear infections begin
after a cold or another upper respiratory infection.
- Age: Infants and young children (between 6 months and 2 years) are at a
greater risk for ear infections.
- Family history
- Colds: Having a cold increases your risk of developing an ear infection.
- Chronic illnesses
- Poor air quality and smoky environments
- Hearing loss: Temporary hearing loss or changes
in hearing are common during an ear infection
- Delayed speech and language development
- Torn eardrum
- Spread of the infection
- Tympanometry
- Acoustic reflectometry
- Tympanocentesis.
- Hearing tests