Nocturnal muscle cramps are a problem faced by many. It is a very painful experience that disturbs sleep and lasts from a few seconds to many minutes.
· Repetitive lower extremity stress: Activities that stress the muscles of the lower extremities have been associated with an increased risk of nocturnal muscle cramps. Examples include prolonged sitting, positioning that places prolonged pressure on the leg, and walking or running on concrete floors.
· Sleep disorder – Sleep disturbance (eg, restless legs syndrome [RLS], periodic limb movements of sleep [PLMS], and obstructive sleep apnea) have also been associated with nocturnal muscle cramps.
· Fluid imbalance – Leg cramps may result from extracellular volume depletion (eg, due to diuretics, excessive sweating without sufficient salt replacement, or fluid removal during hemodialysis
· Metabolic disorders – Other metabolic disorders associated with leg cramps include diabetes, hypoglycaemia, hypocalcaemia, alcoholism, and hypothyroidism
· Nocturnal muscle cramps are characterized by sudden muscle tightness, usually painful, and most commonly in the calf, foot, or thigh. Calf cramping may induce extreme plantar flexion of the foot and toes.
· Nocturnal muscle cramps typically occur while in bed, but patients may be awake or asleep.
· Most individuals have such cramps only at night.
· Residual soreness: Persistent soreness that typically lasts for several hours. Nocturnal muscle cramps affecting the thigh are causing more soreness.
· Nocturnal muscle cramps are associated with sleep disturbance.
· Nocturnal muscle cramps are more common in winter than in summer.
· Sleep disorders
· Restless legs syndrome
· Periodic limb movements of sleep (PLMS)
· Like nocturnal muscle cramps, hypnic jerks, also termed benign hypnic myoclonus or sleep starts, commonly occur at night.
· Stretching provides rapid relief of the acute cramp.
· passive stretching: Calf cramps may be treated by standing with the foot flat on the floor, and then leaning forward.
· Walking or leg jiggling followed by leg elevation
· Hot shower
· Ice massage
· Stretching exercise
· RHUS TOX: Pains tearing in tendons, ligaments and fasciae. Better by motion. Limps stiff and painful. More in cold, fresh air. Tearing pain down thighs, aggravation damp weather, at night, and overexertion.
· BRYONIA: Constant motion of left arm and leg. Every spot is painful under pressure. Muscle cramps aggravate pressure, better by lying on the painful side.
· RHODODENDRON: Tearing pain in all limbs, especially right side. Worse at rest and in stormy weather. Cannot sleep unless legs are crossed
· What causes nocturnal muscle cramps?
Activities that stress the lower extremities, metabolic disorders, sleep disorders, fluid imbalance, pregnancy, and other medical conditions
· What deficiency causes muscle cramps at night?
Carnitine is an essential amino acid for fatty acid metabolism. Its deficiency can cause muscle cramps.
· How to prevent night cramps?
Drink enough water. Gently stretch your leg muscles before go to sleep. Keep blankets and sheets loose around your feet. Wear shoes that fit you well and support your feet.